cared for and heart over a man with a smart phone

A Caring Industry: A Conversation with Behavioral Health Tech Company, CaredFor

Behavioral health is an industry that cares. An industry that saves lives, gives hope, and builds connections. These connections with our prospective customers and existing clients is more important, and also easier to maintain, than ever before. This is largely due to the ever-evolving landscape of mobile technology. Those in search of help have instant… Continue Reading A Caring Industry: A Conversation with Behavioral Health Tech Company, CaredFor

a man breathes fire as he thinks about therapeutic letter writing

Fire Breathing and the Anger Letter: Therapeutic Letter Writing Part 2

In last weeks blog I shared the experience one of my clients had in writing an Anger letter to release the pain from past experiences and find healing. Through the letter writing process the client was able to free herself from pain and past trauma and move forward towards health and healing. The client brought… Continue Reading Fire Breathing and the Anger Letter: Therapeutic Letter Writing Part 2

a person begins to write a letter as part of therapeutic letter writing

The Write Way to Find Meaning: Therapeutic Letter Writing Part 1

Haven’t we all had at least one experience where we question “why me?” Why am I faced with this difficult challenge? Why did they do that to me? Why was I harmed? What have I done to deserve this? Haven’t we all had at least one experience where we question “why me?” Why am I… Continue Reading The Write Way to Find Meaning: Therapeutic Letter Writing Part 1
