a group talks about 9 major risk factors for depression

9 Major Risk Factors for Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues. In 2016, more than 16 million American adults suffered at least one episode of major depression and that number appears to be steadily rising. Symptoms of depression include depressed mood, inability to feel pleasure, loss of interest in activities, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much,… Continue Reading 9 Major Risk Factors for Depression

a man hikes and wonders how outdoor activity can supercharge your recovery

How Outdoor Activity Can Supercharge Your Recovery

Recovering from addiction is not just a matter of abstinence. It requires a holistic approach that includes therapy, medical care, building social connection, and making healthy lifestyle changes. Being active outdoors is one of the best things you can do for a healthier lifestyle. It combines several elements for a whole greater than the sum… Continue Reading How Outdoor Activity Can Supercharge Your Recovery

a woman sleeps after she wonders how to treat stomach trouble during withdrawal

How to Treat Stomach Trouble During Withdrawal

Stomach trouble, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are common during withdrawal. These may be especially severe for opioid withdrawal, which is often described as “the worst flu you’ve ever had.” Opioids slow down digestion and cause constipation. In fact, poppy seed tea is a traditional remedy for diarrhea. The problem is that your body adjusts… Continue Reading How to Treat Stomach Trouble During Withdrawal