a man leans against the wall with a hood over his head and thinks about common misconceptions about schizophrenia

4 Common Misconceptions About Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects about two million Americans. It’s best known symptoms are auditory and visual hallucinations, but other symptoms include delusional thinking, disordered or incoherent thinking or speech, social withdrawal, or diminished affect in speech or facial expressions. Although most people know something about schizophrenia, many people misunderstand the condition, leading… Continue Reading 4 Common Misconceptions About Schizophrenia

A woman researches whether there is a link between social media and depression on her smart phone

Is There a Link Between Social Media and Depression?

Anyone who has spent too much time on social media knows what it’s like to come away feeling anxious, irritable, despondent, or angry. Interacting with friends, acquaintances, and strangers online can provoke emotions ranging from envy to outrage. Many people often lament that social media platforms have replaced meaningful social interaction with superficial sharing, which… Continue Reading Is There a Link Between Social Media and Depression?

Two women discuss the fact that recovery ways will soon be in the tricare network before their support group starts

Recovery Ways Will Soon Be in the Tricare Network

Recovery Ways is excited to announce we are going in-network with Tricare. This means that our intensive outpatient program, or IOP, as well as our partial hospitalization program, or PHP, will be covered as in-network for patients with Tricare. Tricare is a program that covers the civilian healthcare component of the US Department of Defense… Continue Reading Recovery Ways Will Soon Be in the Tricare Network

A woman talks to her friend about what to do if you don't like your therapist.

What Do You Do if You Don’t Like Your Therapist?

Entering therapy is a great opportunity to grow and overcome past challenges. Many conditions, including depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and even schizophrenia can be improved or even eliminated with the help of a skilled therapist. However, therapy also has its challenges. Many people are not quite sure what to expect from therapy. A good therapist… Continue Reading What Do You Do if You Don’t Like Your Therapist?

a teen boy sits on the beach and thinks about the connection between addiction and social anxiety disorder

Addiction and Social Anxiety Disorder

Most people who struggle with addiction have another mental health issue to go along with it. This is called a dual diagnosis. Common dual diagnoses include depression, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders. One common anxiety disorder is social anxiety disorder, which is intense anxiety caused by social situations. About 15 million Americans suffer… Continue Reading Addiction and Social Anxiety Disorder

at a business meeting a woman wonders is it safe to drink while taking adderall

Is it Ever too Late to Recover from Addiction?

Addiction can happen to anyone, regardless of age. And everyone has a different experience of addiction. It’s not uncommon to think that maybe it’s too late for you to recover from addiction. Maybe you’ve struggled with substance use for a long time. Maybe you’ve burned a lot of bridges, alienated people who cared about you,… Continue Reading Is it Ever too Late to Recover from Addiction?

a woman reads about the dangers of mixing caffeine and alcohol

The Dangers of Mixing Caffeine and Alcohol

Mixing caffeine and alcohol is a bad idea. Although the FDA has cracked down on caffeinated alcoholic beverages such as Four Loko–both because they found these drinks were unsafe and because the makers were marketing them to teens–mixing caffeine and alcohol is still common practice, especially among binge drinkers. Adding caffeine and other stimulants to… Continue Reading The Dangers of Mixing Caffeine and Alcohol