a woman covers her mouth and thinks of the kids of ptsd symptoms

The 4 Kinds of PTSD Symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition in which you experience a frightening, dangerous, or harmful event and continue to experience the trauma for months or years. We typically associate PTSD with combat veterans, who often endure horrific experiences during wartime. However, PTSD is actually more common among civilians. It may be caused by… Continue Reading The 4 Kinds of PTSD Symptoms

a therapist talks to a man about why an individualized treatment plan is necessary for addiction recovery

6 Reasons Why an Individualized Treatment Plan is Necessary for Addiction Recovery

A quality addiction treatment program has several characteristics. It employs qualified and experienced medical and counselling staff, it uses evidence-based treatment methods, it has clean, safe, and comfortable facilities, and it incorporates aftercare for when you leave. Another important factor, perhaps the most important, is that a great program will create an individualized treatment plan… Continue Reading 6 Reasons Why an Individualized Treatment Plan is Necessary for Addiction Recovery

a group of people talk about misconceptions about alcohol addiction

5 Misconceptions About Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol is the most commonly used substance in the US. Most Americans drink at least occasionally without having a problem, but about seven percent develop alcohol use disorders. Public awareness has made considerable progress in recent decades but many myths still persist about alcohol addiction. Here are some of the big ones. People addicted to… Continue Reading 5 Misconceptions About Alcohol Addiction