a man thinks about myths about addiction and recovery

7 Myths About Addiction and Recovery

We’ve come a long way in our understanding of addiction and addiction treatment and we’re still learning more all the time. Unfortunately, many myths and misconceptions still persist. These can create all kinds of problems for people struggling with addiction and the families of those people. These myths may lead people to take unnecessary risks… Continue Reading 7 Myths About Addiction and Recovery

a group of people talk about the dangers of untreated depression

The Dangers of Untreated Depression

Depression is a serious mental and emotional health issue that is often considered a co-occurring disorder alongside addiction. When our depression is left untreated and unaddressed, there can be a wide range of dangerous effects. Untreated depression can increase our chances of turning to addictions, or worsen them if we’re already addicted. Depression can make… Continue Reading The Dangers of Untreated Depression

a doctor explains to her patient about how to create a relapse prevention plan

Self-Medicating to Escape our Pain  

If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, PLEASE get help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255). When we struggle with addictions, we are often driven to our addictive substances and behaviors because we’re using them to self-medicate to try and escape our inner pain. We come to realize… Continue Reading Self-Medicating to Escape our Pain