A man does research on his computer about 5 tips to find a job after treatment

5 Tips for Finding a Job After Treatment

Finding a job after treatment can be challenging. In addition to the normal challenges of job hunting, people recovering from addiction may have to explain employment gaps, job loss, and possibly jail time. What’s more, since addiction typically begins at a young age, many people will have lost educational opportunities, perhaps dropping out of high… Continue Reading 5 Tips for Finding a Job After Treatment

A man sits on the couch covered by a blanket, and wonders why some drugs are more addictive than others

Why Are Some Drugs More Addictive than Others?

Addiction is complicated and only a small part is about the substance itself. A more complete picture of addiction emerges when you consider the biology and psychology of the user. For example, someone with severe anxiety might easily become addicted to Xanax because it relieves her anxiety. Another person might be genetically disposed to get… Continue Reading Why Are Some Drugs More Addictive than Others?

A young woman listens to music and reads the 5 signs that college drinking has become a problem

5 Signs that College Drinking has Become a Problem

Partying has become a standard part of the college experience. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than one third of college students report binge drinking within the past month and about 20 percent of college students used an illicit drug at least once in the past month. While these statistics… Continue Reading 5 Signs that College Drinking has Become a Problem

A family comforts a mother and tells her to do these 5 things if there is addiction in your family

Do These 5 Things if There’s Addiction in Your Family

Addiction is a family disease in several ways. First, there is a strong genetic component. Experts believe about half of your addiction risk is genetic because of various genes and gene expressions that affect how you respond to drugs and alcohol or make you more vulnerable to certain mental health issues associated with addiction. Second,… Continue Reading Do These 5 Things if There’s Addiction in Your Family

A young man slings his bag over his shoulder and wonders the difference between a good mood and a manic mood

What’s the Difference Between a Good Mood and a Manic Episode?

Bipolar disorder affects nearly six million Americans every year. Bipolar is characterized by both episodes of major depression and episodes of mania or hypomania. Symptoms of depressive episodes are identical to those of unipolar depression and include sadness, lethargy, disturbed sleep, slow movements, feelings of hopelessness, poor concentration, physical aches, losing interest in things you… Continue Reading What’s the Difference Between a Good Mood and a Manic Episode?

A man is comforted as his comforter tells him the difference between social anxiety disorder and avoidant personality disorder

What’s the Difference Between Social Anxiety Disorder and Avoidant Personality Disorder?

Social anxiety disorder and avoidant personality disorder are both conditions that cause people to feel extremely anxious in social situations. People with these conditions will avoid social interaction as much as possible, despite the fact they typically desire social connection and close relationships. Both conditions can significantly impair one’s ability to form relationships and hinder… Continue Reading What’s the Difference Between Social Anxiety Disorder and Avoidant Personality Disorder?