Wanting, Craving, and Liking in the Addicted Brain

“Until recently, it was generally assumed that if we wanted something, it was because we liked it. But science is now questioning that idea – and pointing the way to a possible cure for addiction,” wrote the BBC’s David Edmonds.    Edmonds describes experiments that confirm that craving or wanting is largely driven by the… Continue Reading Wanting, Craving, and Liking in the Addicted Brain

Support Series: Self-Care

Self-care is an important recovery tool. Engaging in self-care is an appropriate and healthy way to bolster physical and psychological well-being. During the dark winter months which include the stressful holiday season, uncomfortable feelings or situations can easily threaten emotional stability and potentially trigger relapse.    Self-care has been defined as providing adequate attention to… Continue Reading Support Series: Self-Care

Support Series: Family Dynamics

Addiction is often referred to as a family disease. It affects not only individuals who are misusing drugs and/or alcohol but also their families. Family dynamics are often significantly compromised and in need of healing.   During the stressful holiday season, uncomfortable feelings or situations can easily arise. Confrontations between family members about substance misuse may… Continue Reading Support Series: Family Dynamics

Mental Health Concerns and Addiction Risk of Railroad Employees

American railroad companies transport hundreds of millions of passengers and millions of carloads of freight each year. It’s a strenuous task for their employees.    “The rail business is an industry full of tired, stressed workers. It is an epidemic,” warned former railroad worker, Georgetta Gregory on the NTSB Safety Compass in 2016. Her job… Continue Reading Mental Health Concerns and Addiction Risk of Railroad Employees

How to Tell the Difference Between ADHD and Anxiety Disorders

It’s not always easy to distinguish between attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety disorders. They often co-exist and can exacerbate each other. Symptoms such as trouble concentrating, feeling overwhelmed, irritability, and restlessness may overlap. One of the tricky things about the different conditions is that stimulants used to treat ADHD can exacerbate anxiety. D’Agati, Curatolo,… Continue Reading How to Tell the Difference Between ADHD and Anxiety Disorders

Holiday Support Series: Coping with Grief and Loss

The year 2020 was tough. Many of us experienced some form of grief or loss. Missing those we lost can be especially challenging around the holidays. Remembering time spent with loved ones who have passed can cause significant emotional pain. The far-reaching effects of grief and loss can be especially detrimental to those struggling with… Continue Reading Holiday Support Series: Coping with Grief and Loss