A woman sleeps peacefully after she reads that a new study supports the importance of adequate sleep

Improve Sleep and Mental Health With New Nighttime Breathing Techniques

Sleep is essential for both physical and mental health, and it can be difficult to achieve a restful night’s sleep without the right tools.  Deep breathing also helps to regulate our heart rate and blood pressure, promoting a sense of calmness and reducing feelings of tension. By focusing on our breath, we shift our attention… Continue Reading Improve Sleep and Mental Health With New Nighttime Breathing Techniques

A man with a face clouded in smoke asks the question is it a bad sign to dream about using again

Understanding Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Anxiety and panic attacks are issues that can cause tremendous stress and fear. It is estimated that about 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders, and many of them experience panic attacks. A panic attack is a sudden, intense feeling of fear or terror, accompanied by physical symptoms such as chest pain, increased heart rate,… Continue Reading Understanding Anxiety and Panic Attacks