A man smiles as he breaks through the 4 lies depression tells you

4 Lies Depression Tells You

By some estimates, as many as 20 percent of Americans will experience a depressive episode at some point in their lives. Depression includes prolonged feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and pessimism, along with sleep disturbances, fatigue, aches, slow movements, poor concentration, and persistent thoughts of death or suicide. There are many aspects of depression we are… Continue Reading 4 Lies Depression Tells You

A woman takes a bubble bath after she learns how a warm bath might help with depression

How a Warm Bath Might Help with Depression

Depression affects about 16 million American adults every year. Common symptoms include persistent sadness, fatigue, lack of motivation, disrupted sleep, body aches, feelings of hopelessness, poor concentration, and thoughts of death or suicide. If you experience several of these symptoms for more than two weeks, see a doctor. Depression is typically treated with a combination… Continue Reading How a Warm Bath Might Help with Depression

A man takes off his glasses and hangs his head as he wonders what the difference is between depression and dysthymia

What’s the Difference Between Depression and Dysthymia?

Depression affects about 16 million Americans every year. The World Health Organization calls depression the number one cause of disability worldwide. Symptoms typically include prolonged feelings of sadness, fatigue, irritability, aggression, lack of motivation, disturbed sleep, poor memory and concentration, feelings of hopelessness, physical aches, and thoughts of suicide or death. The symptoms of depression… Continue Reading What’s the Difference Between Depression and Dysthymia?

A woman sits on a park bench and tries to remember 4 ways to cope with social anxiety disorder

4 Ways to Cope with Social Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders are common co-occurring conditions with addiction because people who suffer from them desperately want relief from their symptoms, which sometimes include intense panic attacks. Often, people who suffer from anxiety disorders will be prescribed benzodiazepines such as Xanax that relieve anxiety in the short term, but are highly addictive. They may also self-medicate… Continue Reading 4 Ways to Cope with Social Anxiety Disorder

A scan of the brain reminds viewers of 3 ways depression changes your brain

3 Ways Depression Changes Your Brain

We typically think of depression as mainly a psychological problem with symptoms like sadness, irritability, pessimism, lack of motivation, and anxiety. These are certainly important aspects of depression, but if an episode of depression persists long enough, it may cause physical changes in the brain. Here are some of the effects depression has on the… Continue Reading 3 Ways Depression Changes Your Brain