a man lies in a hammock and thinks about ways to deal with anger in addiction recovery

5 Ways to Deal with Anger in Addiction Recovery

Anger and addiction are closely related. Occasional anger is normal and sometimes healthy. If we see someone being treated cruelly or unfairly, anger is an appropriate reaction. However, expressing anger constructively isn’t easy. Some people are prone to angry outbursts that are destructive and usually make matters worse. Most people go the opposite way and… Continue Reading 5 Ways to Deal with Anger in Addiction Recovery

a woman at a fair thinks about issues women face in addiction and recovery

6 Issues Women Face in Addiction and Recovery

Everyone has different problems and needs in addiction treatment. Recognizing and addressing those needs is the key to a successful recovery. There are many factors that influence what you need from treatment, including addiction history, co-occurring disorders, health issues, and family situation. One important factor is whether you are male or female. Here are some… Continue Reading 6 Issues Women Face in Addiction and Recovery

a man listens to music and wonders are your assumptions about sobriety holding you back

5 Problems Men Face in Addiction and Treatment

Everyone has different needs in addiction treatment. A quality addiction treatment program will help you create an individualized program that takes into account your specific background and issues. Different groups of people tend to share certain needs and risks. Here are some of the problems men are more likely to face in addiction and treatment.… Continue Reading 5 Problems Men Face in Addiction and Treatment