a man talks to friends about how to keep your young adult child from getting addicted to drugs or alcohol

6 Ways to Keep Your Young Adult Child from Getting Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol

All parents worry about their young adult children for many reasons. They’re becoming more independent, getting ready to leave home–if they haven’t already, and dealing with the pressures of getting started in life. Parents may also worry that their young adult children are using drugs or alcohol. Parents often feel conflicted on this topic. Most… Continue Reading 6 Ways to Keep Your Young Adult Child from Getting Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol

a man comforts a woman and asks her what does it mean to say youre powerless over drugs and alcohol

What Does it Mean to Say You’re Powerless Over Drugs and Alcohol?

Everyone knows step one of AA: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable. The very first thing you’re supposed to do if you want to quit drinking is admit you are powerless over alcohol. It seems a bit paradoxical and it is often misinterpreted. It’s easy to think that admitting… Continue Reading What Does it Mean to Say You’re Powerless Over Drugs and Alcohol?